Timber frame construction
Our speciality is the construction of buildings using the timber frame system and providing them with a comprehensive finish, while maintaining strict Scandinavian quality standards.
It is characterised by a much faster construction time (wintering of the building is unnecessary) and lower costs - both during construction and in subsequent use due to negligible heat losses. Contrary to popular belief, frame construction is extremely durable, provided that the work is properly and professionally carried out.
The main building material of the frame is construction timber, planed on four sides, with a quality certificate and an appropriate strength class. The erection of the building can take place directly on the construction site if its elements can be prefabricated in advance. The assembly time of the finished house (raw inside and closed shell on the outside) on a previously prepared concrete slab is then reduced to about one week.
From the very beginning we have been working and developing our range of products on the Scandinavian market, thanks to which we have gained extensive experience in erecting buildings using the timber frame system. The regulations there are extremely strict in terms of compliance with thermal, safety and quality control standards. Our goal is to transfer the same standards to our home market and to promote the erection of durable, economical and energy-efficient buildings in this technology.
We will advise you on what materials to use and help you organisze them. From the very beginning we will implement the project together, step by step. We will also give you a guarantee for the work performed.
Our comprehensive offer includes:
We also design